Patients & Visitors
Differences Between each Care Type
If you're the parent, caregiver, or loved one of someone who needs full-time care, we can help. By working at home, in a space that is comfortable and familiar, we'll help your loved one to regain a sense of routine and regain some confidence in their ability to thrive.
By ensuring that you understand the differences between the types of care services available, you will be able to make an educated choice regarding your loved one’s care. Start with this table, which illustrates the different types of care, and feel free to contact our informative consultants, should you need more information.

Point-of-care technologies that integrate data to enable better, faster and more efficient care
Tele-monitoring to enable early intervention
Proprietary disease-specific RightPath® programs, which are based on expert clinical guidelines
Optimized clinical staffing to provide specialized care, including palliative care and behavioral health management
Rigorous personnel training requirements with over 200 mandatory online modules
Palliative Care in Western Pennsylvania
If you have a patient that is homebound or who you think may qualify for home care under any of the criteria listed, Anova Health Care System will complete an initial in-home physical assessment and evaluation. Our specialty-trained registered nurses will complete an extensive physical evaluation; obtain lab work, if needed and our staff will then relay all the necessary facts to assist the physician in making those important decisions.
For more information on an in-home assessment, or to meet with our Community Relations Representative to learn about any of our services, please call us at 1-888-ANOVA-11.